Inquirng Agreement dalam bahasa Inggris adalah suatu aktivitas dimana kita meminta persetujuan atau pendapat kepada lawan bicara kita atas suatu hal tertentu. Nah ungkapan apa aja sih yang pas dan cocok dipakai untuk meminta persetujuan atau pendapat kepada lawan kita menggunakan bahasa Inggris.
Berikut rincian nya, Gengs!
1. Asking for Opinion
Untuk menanyakan opini lawan tentang hal yang sedang diperbincangkan, Gengs!
- What's your opinion about .... ?
- What do you feel about ... ?
- Are you agree with ... ?
- What do you think about ..... ?
2. Expressing Agreement
Nah ini untuk mengekspresikan pendapat bahawasa nya kamu setuju dengan hal yang sedang dibahas .
- I guess so.
- I feel good.
- I agree with you
- That's just what I was thinking!
- Absolutely
3. Expressing Disagreement
Berikut ungkapan ketidaksetujuan terhadap topik pembicaraan atau terhadap suatu statement.
- I am not sure about that.
- I beg to differ.
- I don't agree with you.
- Actually, I think ...
4. Expressing half Agreement
For the last, ungkapan bahwa kamu tidak setuju sepenuhnya terhadap suatu topik atau statement. Pada point ini kamu belum yaking dengan apa yang di kemukakan lawan bicara mu.
- Yes, perhaps, however ....
- Well, yes, but ...
- I don't agree with you fully ...
- hmm, possibly, but ...
Gengs! Itu dia sederet ulasan tentang Inquiring Agreement. Sekarang kita lanjut ke contoh pengaplikasian Inquiring Agreement. Cusssssss......!
In the KFC restaurant
John : I want order a bucket of chicken and one Big Pepsi. I haven't eating for two days because I am so stressful. I broke with her T_T
Angel : Oh my God, poor you. I really hungry too this afternoon. I want Two chicken and rice. For beverages, I want Mocca float. Do you want order the same meal, Joan?
Joan : No. I beg to differ. I just want hot Americano coffee.
In the cinema
Lily : I want to watch horror movie! Annabelle! What do you think about it ?
Edward : Well, yes, but I don't want to sit in the corner.
Lily : Absolutely! I want buy the tickets first.
Mother's day
Billy : hey, How if we make a little party for Mom on Mother's day tomorrow. Are you agree with me?
Dina : Absolutely! I agree with you. I'll buy some cake and muffins. You buy the special present for mom. Deal?
Billy : Yeah! I guess so.
Okey gengs! Sekian penjelasan beserta contohnya tentang Inquiring Agreement. Semoga bermanfaat untuk kalian. See youuuuuu >,<
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